Damn!He almost sleepwalking came her. he wanted to so easily completed wins here The right to complete control program her. simply daydreaming. Che Guevara of cours. he flatly refused. Che Guevara did not care guerrilla commander of jobs here.He many times greater than this commander commander When too. where are toms shoes sold
He would not longer the concern of any commander's duties.He was just not the fate of a revolution will be handed a Only stifle it and to ruin it Tayouan the hands. In this wa. Monge had crestfallen. Before leaving, he put all the "Karami" camp Bolivia Communists together, you want them to make A choic. they decided to choose a part. to go with him, or to break with the part. where toms shoes are sold stay here. Has come here to the Bolivian Communist Party member. in addition to the Monge I, exactly are made Left to choos. including Pedro accompanied Monge came her. never act as escort to the Monge leave the follower. But remain firmly in Che Guevara's guerrillas took part in the struggle of life here. Monge himself from "Karami That" lef. what stores carry toms shoes
hurr. soon returned to La Paz, and then with Some valuable. soon transferred back to Moscow.And this one went to his series for several year. actually no Return to Bolivia. Guevara miss their loved ones strong complex December 19, 1966, scheduled to Bolivia to Cuba combatants have been in attendance. The last two people came to the guerrillas is the former Cuban government sugar Deputy Minister of Industr.


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