That day is February 17, 1957. We should admire the high efficiency of the part of the journalists in the United States.In Matthews in 古巴马埃斯特 December Head deep in the mountains where the jungle to see Castro and began gathering activities on the seventh da. as far away as the United States, "New York New York Times ", published on February 24, 1957, reported that the leadership of the Castro Cuban revolutionary rebel army in ancient Bama Esther commenced December mountainous, the first report of the guerrilla war. Reported very objectively understand wrote: Rebel Fidel Castro led the Cuban youth is still alive.He is the island to the southern end of the horse Esther Lashan rocks everywhere, the impenetrable fortress, successfully carried uphill battle. michael kors ceramic watches
Havre enjoy Theo President Batista elite troops deployed in the region.However, his troops, now Met to annihilate General Batistas arm. General Batista since as Cuban leader and authoritarian Long and thrilling career since those encountered in the most dangerous enemy. Here fighting so far has been in progress. " The New York Times published this news repor. also published the editorial department editors note: "This is the first certain that Fidel Castro is still alive, and still stay in the Cuban news reports.michael kors jet set In addition to the reporter, no contact with the outside world (not to mention the press) have seen Mr. Castro.Before the report was published, Havana and any person (including a variety of collection Reported pathways U.S. Embassy staff included) know Fidel Castro, indeed literally already in Ma Aisi Special Lashan. In news reports the New York Times published this editorial department editors note and the reporters Matthews ago, already has This background, this is the New York Times once more reported in Cuba by Cuba Students Federation President Fidel Castro led the attack on Moncada barracks even. michael kors watch rose gold
also had reported After the attack on the barracks of the action failed, General Batistas dictatorial governmen. participate in the barracks attack town Pressure and trial. The New York Times reported in detail participated in the attack on the barracks of college students, 16 people in the war Bucket sacrifice was extremely brutal killings of 80 people arrested.The newspaper also reported that those killed Slaughter of the details, such as the use of torture to make them lethal nails embedded in the skull in the long and thick, so they Died in pain; Some people also rack to the aircraf. then push down and fell to his death; Some people were brought to the sea Helping hands and feet on the ship, tied advancing se. despite sharks pecking bite and swallowed.


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