have to come to Mexico Cit. at the same time, in the attack on the Moncada soldiers After the failure, there is no arrest and convictio. and was in the Batista government wanted and in the hunt for escaped Cuba Moncada Barracks attack the participants, now also in response to Fidel Castros call and summon them to living where Latin American countries also are beginning to have enthusiastically re-gathered to Mexico City to. Have appeared in the Cuban revolutionaries traveled to Mexico City from the Latin American countries enthusiastically gathered this Samples of several characters, they are a Mingjiaoniege Lopez young revolutionaries and the other two of his comrades: Ma Leo Dahl Lane and Dario Lopez. Them Niege Lopez, traveled to Mexico Cit. one day suffering from a little minor ailments like enteritis, So so that the Mexico City municipal hospital to see a doctor. michael kors handbags cheap
As a resul. in his process to see a doctor, he intended to Field surprise cheered him in here and saw a the physician career working for a long time, has been engaged in the citys hospitals grid Guevara. They immediately mutual joy and hug them.Guevara immediately recognized the Niege Lopez. It turned out that two of them had a common destiny comrades.In Guatemala City is the most intense and dangerous war Bucket da. Michael Kors Messenger Bags the two of them, also common in a fight against the Yankees and their mercenaries aircraft air defense antiaircraft machine Battle group, fighting side by side, original, this Niege.Lopez, it would have been used in response to the Cuban University main associated The call of the RCAs President Fidel Castro, with the rise to attack Castro in Santiago de Cub. a thousand Five hundred soldiers of the Moncada barracks, and at the same time attack the the Bayamo the one hundred sixty-two barracks revolution University Health in an attack after the failure, the enemy wanted hun. he escaped from Cub. living in Guatemala Mara later, almost naturall. also took part in the battle to defend the Guatemalan Revolutionary life while on During this period, he and Guevara with an anti-aircraft machine gun battle portfolio to become the fighting side by side Comrades and comrades. michael kors sandals
The time, Guevara has already heard about the college students of the Cuban Revolution and fought against the reactionary government barracks fea. he would have For this fea. the hero of participants, pregnant with infinite admiration and sympath. even incomparable agitation Feelings of longing.Therefore, when an attack on Moncada barracks the direct participants Niege · Lopez came Guevara In fron. he of course to Guevara made the most comprehensive, most specificall.


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